Rafting in the Grand Canyon

Wow, what a day… We woke up at 7am, looked out the window and it was snowing! We are in the middle of the Arizona dessert and its snowing, what the hell? Even worse, we had booked white water rafting in the Grand Canyon today and as you can imagine I was pretty worried! The trip still went ahead despite the weather, we boarded a school bus and took the bumpy hour long journey down to the Colorado river. Luckily we had prepared to get wet, I had 7 layers on; bikini, 2 t-shirts, 2 jumpers, waterproof jacket, very attractive poncho and a life jacket!

On the coach we realised the rest of our fellow rafters were in the Danish Military and some were medics which made me feel better! We got chatting to them during the day and they helped me on and off the raft and on the hike, very nice men.

The first 2 hours were amazing, the best part of the whole trip so far. There were 3 rafts, 6 people in each and we all convoyed down the 10 miles of rapids. Some of the rapids were so strong we had to hang on really tight and got absolutely drenched, we were very glad we bought the waterproof clothing and ponchos even though we looked ridiculous! We stopped and took a short hike up the mountain to the most beautiful cave with waterfalls inside and out, I have never seen anything like it, there were wooden ladders and ropes so we could climb up inside, just beautiful.

We stopped off for some lunch then got back on the rafts. Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worst and therefore our helicopters were not flying so we had to stay on the raft for an extra 2 hours to get a coach instead. It was freezing, the wind was really strong in parts, then the sun came out for a while and warmed us up. Then it got bad again and when it was just becoming unbearable we saw the coach! The coach ride was a coupe of hours and I tell you I have never appreciated a shower so much!


  1. Sensational video production, I played it over and over again, brilliant music choice and you made it fit so well, it really made me smile:)

    What’s going on with the weather over there….not sure if Emma has seen the clip yet but when she sees the snow I think she might be just a tiny bit glad she’s in Barbados!

    It looks chilly too but still looks great fun, did you take your Dramamine Aim?! Never mind, you’ll be sunbathing in sunny Hawaii soon…apparently it’s 83 degrees at Honolulu Airport today!

    Keep having fun, love and miss you both x

  2. Your adventure gets more exciting each day, being in that raft looked the best experlence yet, brilliant pictures
    grannie n grandad xx

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