Land Ahoy!

Yesterday we were due to dock at Port Stanley in the Falklands but because of the storm the captain announced that we would not have time as we were already running a day behind schedule. The seas towards the islands were rougher so he decided to keep us close to the land. Although we were disappointed not to be visiting the Falklands and seeing Prince William! we were grateful to be in calmer waters and enjoying the ship again. That makes today our 4th sea day and as you can imagine we are all desperate to get off for a few hours!

Last night we had dinner with 2 British couples, Alan and Linda and Pete and Carol. After dinner me, Paul and Chalkie were due to play in the jack black final. I had qualified by the skin of my teeth but unfortunately got knocked out by Pete at the last minute so I didn’t get to play :(. Pete won the tournament in the end, $350 in total. We then played Poker for the evening with our own cards and had some cocktails.

This morning Emma and I met at 9.30am for a walk as we have eaten too much and done very little exercise. On deck 6 of the ship there is an outside walk around and each lap is equal to quarter of a mile. We did 4 laps and although the weather was cold and windy, the sun was out on one side of the ship and it was a beautiful morning. We worked up an appetite then met the boys for breakfast.

At 1pm the boys went off to learn some magic tricks in the theatre and Emma and I went to the gym. Yes that’s right; a morning walk and the gym in 1 day!! As I am writing this it is Wednesday 29th Feb 2012 at 3:15 pm and Emma and I are sitting by the pool in our bikinis. It’s quite strange, the weather is only 10 degrees but we are sitting under a glass roof and the sun is out so it’s great 🙂

We are just reaching the most southerly point of South America and will be at Cape Horn at about 7.30pm this evening. We have just seen land for the first time in 4 days and it’s a very nice sight! This is probably the furthest south we will ever venture on planet Earth as the only land lower is Antarctica – well you never know, maybe we’ll go to Antarctica one day 🙂

It’s very difficult not being able to speak to you all and we are missing you lots, we hope you are all ok and will do a big round of Skyping once we get off the ship and have a decent Internet connection!









  1. Hi evetyone
    So glad you made it through the storms okay .Good to see you all looking well and look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon does seem along time now. Loving the photos , shame didn’t win the poker but better luck next time
    lots of love mum white xx

  2. Hi all
    What a wonderful experience it must have been to sail round the Horn, I think you can now safely
    call yourselves Seafarers, sorry it was a little bit rough, now wait until you walk on terra firm a again.
    Carry on enjoying your travelling
    Love Granny n Grandad

  3. Me again!

    I am really enjoying the updates. So I saw Pauls FB pic of Cape Horn it looks amazing, that is definitely a great thing to see.

    So I noticed that in the pic you are travelling around with some silver surfers, are you the youngest on this boat? Haha, I love this.

    The gym! Well done! You can say “look at the funbags on that horse hound” to each other now.

    Bye for now!
    Love Claire xx

  4. Hello again
    Lovely to see and read about your travels, you seem to have gained a lifetime of
    memories in a few weeks, and lots more to come yet, don’t forget your now going
    north which is uphill so you will have to row a lot harder . When does your cruise end?
    Granny n Grandad

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